Our Policies

Justice, Diversity, Equity & Inclusivity

The leadership of the Contemplative Semester commits to creating an organization that acknowledges and values diversity (including gender, race, ethnicity, national origin, age, sexual orientation or identity, education, financial situation, and ability), and strives to be inclusive, equitable and accessible for all students, staff, and faculty. Humility and courage inform our ongoing work in this area; we strive to be open to feedback, to recognize harmful conditioning, to take responsibility for it, and to make repairs when necessary.

Community Agreements

Click here to read our Community Agreements from our Student Handbook. This is a living document subject to change.

Essential Eligibility Criteria

The Contemplative Semester is a chance to get more acquainted with yourself and the world, to become more grounded in nature, and to learn about and practice intra- and interpersonal healing through adopting new ways of relating to self and others. The lenses of Buddhism, Nonviolent Communication and Sociocracy are rich, nuanced, complex, supportive, and practical. We will be doing difficult – and joyful – work, perhaps some of the most meaningful work of a lifetime. 

Please take a moment to look at what will be essential for you to hold as intentions and guideposts for being a safe, contributing member of the beloved community to which we aspire. 

You must be prepared to: 

1)     Contribute to a safe learning and living environment. Sexual assault, bullying, harassment (verbal, written, or physical), or intentional physical injury, harm, or intimidation of a fellow program participant, faculty or staff member, or employee of Potash Hill or Marlboro Studio School is not tolerated. 

2)     Work effectively as a member of a small mentor group and of the collective whole. This includes skillfully communicating ideas and concerns, active listening, honest self-disclosure, problem-solving, and extending compassion to yourself and others.

3)     Be willing to participate in four weeks (spread out) of silent retreat, undertaking the mindfulness trainings delineated in the application.

4)    Communicate proactively and honestly about any mental health and/or substance abuse challenges that arise prior to or during the program. Students must be in good mental health standing as the Contemplative Semester is not a therapeutic program. If a mental health or substance abuse challenge is not disclosed in the application process or arises during the program and is beyond the capacity of the Contemplative Semester faculty/staff, you may be asked to withdraw from the program. 

5) Accept full responsibility for your mental health, including complying with any medication and self-care prescribed and recommended by medical/mental health professionals both before and during the Contemplative Semester.

6) If taking prescription medication, be able to hold, self-administer, and maintain proper dosage as prescribed without assistance from Contemplative Semester faculty, staff, or others unless under emergency circumstances. Students must be willing to disclose medications with Contemplative Semester faculty or staff to be kept for emergency records. Medications will be disclosed only with faculty or staff members and will not be disseminated EXCEPT in the event of a medical emergency.

7) Never be in possession of or consume prescription medication that is not prescribed.


NOTE: Adapted from Seguinland Institute Student Essential Eligibility Criteria and Broad Futures Essential Eligibility Criteria.The leadership of the Contemplative Semester commits to creating an organization that acknowledges and values diversity (including gender, race, ethnicity, national origin, age, sexual orientation or identity, education, financial situation, and ability), and strives to be inclusive, equitable and accessible for all students, staff, and faculty. Humility and courage inform our ongoing work in this area; we strive to be open to feedback, to recognize harmful conditioning, to take responsibility for it, and to make repairs when necessary.

Risk Management

Safety & Health

The safety and well-being of our participants, faculty and staff are core commitments. CS’s designated response team will follow incident protocols based on a modified and tailored version of the Incident Command System, which is used by law enforcement, fire departments, and state and federal governments.  

Contemplative Semester has retained the Cornerstone Safety Group to advise on our safety and health policies. Cornerstone’s team of risk management, medical, and mental health experts remain available to ensure that students, families, and other essential stakeholders are informed and supported throughout incidents.

Campus Security 

Enter only those buildings reserved for the Contemplative Semester. Potash Hill has other renters on campus and sometimes has community members walk through campus on their way to the trails, and occasionally a former Marlboro College student will visit. Students are encouraged to remain polite and respectful with a casual “hello” when passing by, but you do not have to feel you should engage in deeper dialogue with people you don’t know. Please immediately report any suspicious activity to a member of the CS staff, or to Potash Hill staff. 

Other Safety 

Use common sense. Do not walk on roofs; it’s dangerous and causes damage. No fireworks on or near campus. No weapons. Smoking is not permitted in or within 25’ of any building. Dispose of your trash (including cigarette butts) properly. No pets on campus unless pre-approved.

Fire Emergencies

Most buildings on campus are wood, so fire is a big concern. Prevention and awareness are critical to everyone’s safety, and to the preservation of our historic campus.

When you arrive, please take the time to learn where the fire alarms and exits are located in your dorm and other common buildings. 

Ensure that emergency vehicles can access all areas on campus. Use parking lots. If you must park on campus, be sure to only ever park on one side of the road to maintain an open lane at all times. 

In case of fire:

  1. Pull the alarm (just inside the main doors to most buildings) if the alarm is not already sounding.

  2. If possible, help alert and evacuate everyone in the building.

  3. Call 911 from your cell phone or 7 and then 911 from a campus phone to report a fire. Please say that it is on the former Marlboro College campus.

Take fire alarms seriously! Leave the building immediately, meet by the Dining Hall, and stay off the roads (emergency vehicles travel very fast).

The Marlboro town volunteer fire department comes whenever an alarm is pulled, so avoid putting yourself in a position where you might accidentally pull an alarm.

If you hear a smoke detector or CO detector chirp, pay attention. If it chirps one time per minute, it needs a new battery. If it chirps 3 or 5 times in a row, it needs to be replaced. Please notify James or Shea.

Remember: Vermont law prohibits smoking in all public buildings, including dorms. Candles, incense, hot plates, electric tea kettles and open flames are not permitted. That means never. Never, never, never.

In the event of an emergency, do not touch electrical fixtures, fire equipment, ladders, hoses, etc. Be sure to stay calm, help others, and use common sense.

You should turn on the exhaust fan whenever you shower or cook in order to avoid setting off the fire alarms accidentally.

Mental and Physical Health & Accessibility  

Before arrival on campus, students must complete a health history form that gathers critical information and allows students and Contemplative Semester staff to be aware of student accessibility, medical, and mental health needs. 

We strive to meet accessibility needs to the greatest extent possible.

We can accommodate common food allergies and dietary needs (such as gluten-free diets, lactose intolerance, peanut allergies, and vegetarian and vegan diets). If you have very specific food needs that could be challenging for us to accommodate, please let us know as soon as possible. If we cannot accommodate you, we may ask that you bring some of your own food to supplement the options provided.

Several faculty have certifications in cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and first aid. A basic first aid kit will be available in each dorm/cottage common room. If first aid is required, faculty will help assess and stabilize the situation to the best of their ability and then transport to a nearby medical facility. We do not treat or diagnose any type of medical condition and will rely on medical professionals for appropriate care at the following locations:

  • Brattleboro Memorial Hospital (BMH) - 17 Belmont Avenue, Brattleboro, VT. 25 minute drive. Emergency phone (802)257-8222; non-emergency phone (802)257-0341. For more information, see https://www.bmhvt.org/.

  • ClearChoice MD Urgent Care Clinic - 1154 Putney Road, Brattleboro, VT. 26 minute drive. Phone (802) 490-2100. 8am-8pm every day. For more information, see https://ccmdcenters.com/virtual-urgent-care.

All students must be covered by their own health insurance and are responsible for their medical and health-related costs (including emergency care, specialists, dentists, testing, medications, etc.) Students are responsible for understanding their medical insurance and any exclusions to coverage. Contemplative Semester is not liable for covering any medical costs on behalf of students. 

Several faculty are trained in emotional first aid skills and/or are practicing therapists. One dedicated mental health coordinator will be the point person for students. However, it must be understood that the Contemplative Semester is not a therapeutic program. Students are strongly encouraged to discuss any emotional support needs with their mental health provider prior to the semester. When needed, a private room for telemedicine or therapy appointments with your own providers – both scheduled and as needed – will be available to you. 

It should be noted that we have critical access to a consulting physician and psychologist through our membership with the Cornerstone Safety Group.


The well-being, health, and safety of our students, faculty, and staff are top priority at the Contemplative Semester. We deeply appreciate you taking the necessary precautions to mitigate risks to our small community, including those associated with COVID-19. 

Below are enhanced health and safety practices we ask of every student before arrival and while on campus. These are subject to change if there are developments in COVID-19 and evolving best practices. 

COVID-19 Vaccination 

All participants are required to be vaccinated against COVID-19 and up to date as defined by the CDC before arriving at Potash Hill. Please reach out directly regarding exemptions.

Before Your Arrival

Regardless of vaccination status, all students should adhere to the following health practices before arriving on campus:

  • Limit exposure to crowded places, especially large events indoors. If you must pass through these areas, please consider using a mask.

  • Wash or sanitize your hands frequently.

  • Avoid contact with people who are sick. Please report any close contacts you may have had with persons who test positive for COVID-19.

  • Monitor for COVID-19 symptoms. If you are experiencing any symptoms, please take a rapid test at home before you arrive at the Contemplative Semester. If you test positive, contact us immediately so we can help troubleshoot your travel and arrival plans. Even if you test negative, please report COVID-related symptoms and wear a mask en route to us and on campus until you have had two negative antigen tests 48 hours apart.

While on Campus

  • Upon arriving, you may be required to take a COVID-19 test regardless of your vaccination status and be screened for symptoms.

  • If you begin to feel ill during the program, please let a Contemplative Semester faculty member know. We encourage anyone who is experiencing symptoms to use masks in group spaces. You may be asked to move into temporary distanced learning or sleeping arrangements. 

  • Please practice enhanced hygiene practices, including frequent hand washing or sanitizing, coughing and sneezing away from others, not sharing personal equipment like water bottles, and taking additional precautions when preparing, serving, and consuming food

  • If a student is confirmed to have COVID-19 during their semester, they will be asked to isolate while symptomatic and contagious. Isolation will remain in place until no fever is present for 24 hours without medication. 

  • Based on the severity of the situation, CS may limit guests to protect our community and/or condition their stay on a negative COVID test and masking.